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    First Impression Spaces in Your Church Building Interior Design is the Hook

    When remodeling a church or designing for a new structure, we have to work very hard on the first impression of visitors. Church growth is strongly affected by the perceptions of those that visit for the first time. Every member must be a first-time guest and if the facility is not successful in these first impressions it will limit the growth of the congregation. Of course, this begins with a web presence but the on-sight experience begins with the drive-by appeal. Obviously, no one, since people driving by your church building or walking in the doors for the first time, create perceptions subconsciously about your church community on behalf of what they see. The first thing the building will subconsciously communicate is whether guests are truly welcome. The orientation of the entry and the use of open transparent materials will be critical in communicating a true welcome.

    Once inside every inch of your church building makes a difference. It makes an impression on the worshipers. But some areas are more important than others. A poorly located poorly lit nursery can be an immediate barrio for mothers feeling comfortable leaving their infants and toddlers. If this occurs they will likely not stay or never come back. The Lobby is also a critical space. Is it welcoming? Comfortable? Do the acoustics allow for conversation? Every individual entering into the church will be impacted by this space over long periods of time.

    A designer who is highly experienced in church design will be able to make these critical spaces come alive and work for both members and guests.

    Finding a competent highly experienced Church Architect can be a daunting task. Many people will begin a search for ‘Church Architecture Near Me’ or Church Architects Near Me. Both of those searches will help Google know you value experienced church Architects who are local and close to you. This is very important. BBA-A (Brown, Brown & Associates Architects) helps its clients determine what they need, what they can afford, and how best to accomplish those needs. Often BBA-A will lead the Church through a Master Planning process so that several phases can be laid out in advance so that as the church grows the phases make for a beautiful coherent whole. The experience of our amazing team matters a lot in bringing an extraordinary touch to your church designs. We provide council and leadership at every phase of the process to take the stress of off you and help you focus on the real questions. So hopefully you will be rewarded for just entering a very specific search to find a good Church Architect near you. Hopefully, you have found us!

    You Will Know You are in Good Hands with a Professional Interior Church Architecture Designer

    We see more than sanctuaries, foyers and classrooms. We see ministry tools that are to be hand crafted to your unique needs, ministry and personality.

    If you have visited as many churches as we have you know that many churches missed a big opportunity when they built to tailor spaces to their ministry with great design? The materials in a church building generally cost about the same but it is the design that can bring these materials together in a way that adds tremendous value. BBA-A (Brown, Brown & Associates Architects) can help you turn ordinary spaces into ministry tools that really fit and function. Since we know the language of designing interiors for churches through our vast experience working with them over the last three generations, we can help you make every dollar count with great design. My grandfather used to remind me that 10 dollars in materials in the hand iof a novice painter can produce a painting he might be very proud of. But those same materials in the hand of a master can produce the Mona Lisa.

    Many churches are struggling to update while holding onto the elements that have made them who they are. Our experience with churches who have trusted us with multiple phases over many years have given us the ability to honour what exists while bringing thre energy of new generations to the look and feel of the ministry. This only comes with great experience working as a professional interior church architecture designer.

    We will guide you through the process so that energy is not wasted. We understand you have budget realities and great needs. We are experienced at bringing those together to make a great project. We take the stress of you so you can focus and enjoy the process. We like to say we know when we are done with the INTERIOR CHURCH ARCHITECTURE because you will be at peace.

    The church is people not a building but before you can greet a visitor, your facility has spoken many things to them. We help that conversation be a successful one so that as you do greet your guests they are already feeling welcomed and honoured by the layout of interior spaces, the flow between spaces, the materials, colors, finishes and even the acoustics. For moist churches the facility is by far their most expensive ministry tool. We help you tune up that tool so it works for you and speaks well of you.